

Monday, January 28, 2013

Forrest Gump

I went for a long bike ride today on A1A on a beautiful warm sunny day toward Ft. Matanzas. Couldn't quite make it as I ran out of gas about halfway. Beautiful ride though with the ICW on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. I was nearing home and feeling thirsty when I saw a wiry guy walking along the road wearing a backpack with a U.S.flag sticking out of it. I figured this guy had a story to tell so I pulled over.
"OK,"I said as I reached out and shook his hand. "What's your story?"
"Well," he said with a smile, "I'm Dave from Norman, Oklahoma. A few months ago my home burned down. It wasn't much but it was all I had. Lost my dogs in the fire, too."
Dave had some trouble getting these last words out. "So how did you end up here in Marineland, Florida?"
"Well, I'm sorta like Forrest Gump I guess. My neighbors gave me this backpack and I put it on and started walking. I've been walikng ever since. I guess you could say I'm trying to find where the good Lord wants me to be."
I asked Dave about his daily routine and where he spends the night. Basically he finds a quiet place in the woods and just beds down.
"I tried Miami," he said, "but it wasn't safe. So now I am heading up to Georgia."
I commended Dave on his journey and wished him God's blessings. Then we shook hands. I offered him a few bucks (all I had) and a bottle of water. He thanked me and we parted ways. When I got back to the boat I couldn't help but wish I'd done more. Haven't been able to get him off of my mind since. That song "Running on Empty" by Jackson Browne keeps floating through my head.

PS: A few years ago while riding his bike Dave was hit by a car. Broke his back and both his legs. But now that he is on this journey he says,"i'm in the best shape of my life!"


  1. Interesting. Would you have even seen Dave had you made the whole trip? Probably not. You were exactly where He wanted you and did exactly what He wanted you to do. That's a story you will never forget. God bless Dave from Norman!

  2. ..but you did more than any of us did for this man. We are all inspired- by you and Dave.
