We watched a gigantic shiny 40+ foot motorhome roll in last night a few sites from us. They were towing a Cadillac and had a big Harley hoisted up on the rear bumper. What surprised us was the fact that the owners looked youthful, perhaps fortyish. Normally this is the purview of old farts like me. But we have seen this before in our travels. Usually it is a couple who work from their computers and thus can do their high paying jobs from anywhere. This makes for a traveling lifestyle that can take them anywhere in the country in first class accommodations. I guess if you have the money, a good wifi connection, and desire to go first class...well this is America!
There are all sorts of rigs here in this park representing all stages on the economic continuum.
The one below is ours. It is a modest rig compared to many others.
We are seeing more and more of the big buses like the ones below. We're talking anywhere from 250k to well over 500K or more for these. That is big dough and we wonder how people can afford these and the maintenance that goes with them.
I think that you can have fun in whatever outfit you are working with. It doesn't have to cost a quarter mill. (Our outfit cost us less than a new pickup truck). A great example is the elderly couple we had next to us in a tent the past 2 nights!! God Bless them! This to me is what makes America great.
But no matter how special the rig and how important you think you are, sooner or later everyone ends up here:
If you have a holding tank, eventually it must be emptied at the pumpout station. The business of poop levels all economic status.
We like the idea of taking our home and pets with us wherever we go, and sleeping in our own bed each night. But we would never dream of sinking a 1/2 million (Even if we had it)into one of those luxury buses. Too big, too complicated, and things are constantly going wrong. Believe me, we have heard horror stories about these big expensive rigs. No, we'll settle for our simple and somewhat modest 2005 Bounder, which is heaven for us.
Perhaps you think we are making too big of a carbon footprint. Maybe so, but we do drive an electric hybrid which helps offset that. (And we have a solar home!), We get about 8 miles per gallon which is not great, but we are OK with it, as long as our carbon footprint is smaller than Al Gore's!
Finally, I went for a bike ride and came across 2 sand hill cranes doing a mating dance. Fascinating stuff! I tried to get some video without success. They stopped and moved on when I took out my camera. Marlin Perkins I ain't!
Boat watch:
Gemini 105 catamaran below. Love it!!!
A different kind of land yacht!
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