

Monday, January 28, 2019

Caspar Milquetoast

The weather has been quite nasty around here for the past 2 days. Very chilly and a ton of rain. So today we headed over to the movie theater to see "A Star is Born" starring Lady GaGa and Bradley Cooper. We arrived early and got the seats we wanted. Good thing because many people had the same plan for a cloudy chilly Florida day. Soon the theatre was quite full, with the exception that the first 15 rows were empty. People don't want to get too close to the screen. 

The lights went down and the movie started. Ten minutes later a couple walks in. They are late. OK, I've been there. They manage to find 2 empty seats in the middle of the theater. Now everyone has to stand in the row while they squeeze in to their special spot. What about the 15 open rows? Maybe I am wrong, but I would never do what they did. 

And that is today's topic: I would never do that! Now let me preface this by saying that I am no better or more perfect than anyone else. I've done plenty of dumb stuff in my time. But I like to think that I have enough character so that certain things I just wouldn't do.

We arrived back in Ft. Myers from Stuart and had a temporary spot the first day. Yesterday we were supposed to move to site #4, our permanent site. I was all ready to go by 8:30 am. With heavy rain forecast, we wanted to get moved before the downpour. 

But no, we could not make the move because somebody parked a car in our site and left it there. I guess it was convenient for them. I would never park my car in an empty campsite, especially when there is an open space in front of my own site!!!! After all, somebody might be pulling in at any time!! We had to wait over an hour for them to return from whatever they were doing and move it.

I would never park in a handicapped parking spot if I was in a hurry. My favorite handicapped story is told by a family member.  She was on her lunch break and zipped over to the mall to pick up something. She arrived just in time to see her boss slide his car into a handicapped slot, get out, and limp into the store. Of course, he doesn't have a limp in real life! 

Just about every day on the highway, we see people do crazy things like weaving in and out of traffic or zipping across 3 lanes to make a turn. I especially love the motorcycle riders with flip flops and no helmet. 

But hey, I will admit to not always wearing my bike helmet, especially on sunny days when I need a big floppy hat to protect my pinky skin. There are times when I have gone through the express checkout line at the grocery store with more than ten items. I am not immune from bending the rules at times when it is convenient for me. But I like to think that I don't go to extremes! 

 And speaking of extremes. There is also the other extreme: Caspar Milquetoast was a comic strip character created by H. T. Webster for his cartoon series "The Timid Soul". Webster described Caspar Milquetoast as "the man who speaks softly and gets hit with a big stick".

Here is Caspar's Christmas card:
 But the one below is my all time favorite Caspar cartoon:
There is a happy medium here somewhere!

Finally, what about the movie? Well, as usual, useless profanity ruined it. What is it about Hollywood and the "F" word? And the language usage model they are for our young people?
I enjoyed the first hour of the film. I liked Cooper and GaGa, especially their duet of "Shallow".. But in the end, the story disappoints and drags on way too long. Joanna did not care for the film at all.

OK, over to you. If you can think of stuff people do that you would never do, let me know at

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