

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Boat Watch with Video

Friday we finally ended a 2 day hostage situation at the hands of Fed Ex. Whatever happened to the phrase: "When it absolutely positively has to be there overnight." Just another package company now. At least UPS delivered to my campsite. The Fedex guy just dropped it off unceremoniously at the park office. The park people didn't even know it was there. The only reason we found it was because Joanna was tracking it. So a package worth hundreds of dollars was just dumped off. Nice work FedEx!!!! Class act!

Yesterday we spent the afternoon with good friends, Skip and Kathy Bossinger. Skip has recently had his knees done and is walking beautifully! Always a pleasure to be with these folks!!
 More boat watch today on a spectacular weather day. Love this boat!

Some kind of dredging barge

Here are 2 links I made where you can see video:
The first link is inside the lock and is brief with no sound. The second is of boats waiting to lock through with my commentary. The best part of being near this lock for me is that Joanna and I went through this lock in our own boat a few years back. We are old hands at doing locks from our extended voyages on the Great Lakes. We once did the Trent Severn Canal which connects Lake Ontario with Georgian Bay in Canada.  It involves 250 miles and 43 locks. Man was that an adventure!! (Stop bragging now, Steve)

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