

Monday, December 10, 2018


The other day a friend on Facebook posted that he had not sent out a Christmas card since 1998. He was actually proud of that fact. It made me sad. I couldn't help but wonder what if anything he does send out. Does he click a button and send a text or email? Or maybe he does nothing? Sending out Christmas cards is definitely old fashioned, expensive and very time consuming. So why even bother in today's instant gratification world where time is precious and the holidays are closing in on us? Believe me when I say there have been years when I wanted to give up the card business myself.

I'm glad I did not. I still enjoy sending and receiving cards at holiday time. I especially treasure the ones where the person takes the time to actually hand write a little message.  I understand that this is a formidable task. But hey, anything worth doing takes some time and effort, Right? Perhaps my friend who does not send out cards is just too busy and that is OK, I won't judge. And maybe he is focusing on other holiday traditions that are even more important.

Rest assured that here at the young homestead, I will be sitting down later today to honor our dear friends and family by filling out and mailing cards to the people we love. The holiday season is all about tradition, and I'm not ready to let this one die.  What traditions do you support and foster?

I am sorry that this blog does not allow direct comments, but you can send me your thoughts at I have already received some feedback which I enjoy!

Here are some pics I took on our early morning walk on a gorgeous sunny day in the 60's.
 Looking down Main  St. here at Swan Lake. That speck out ahead is Joanna. She walks much faster than I do.
Here is our street. You can see that the park is still pretty empty as we await the seasonal crush to come after Christmas!

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