

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Big Surprise

We surprised my sister-in-law and brother-in-law on Christmas day. It was a fun evening and boy were Diana and Gerhard surprised!!. Diana cooked an exquisite prime rib dinner for us with Baked Alaska for dessert. They can cook in this family! My nephew, Ian, also attended along with Heather and the beautiful children. Finally Heather's mom, Terry was also there along with Ian's workmate, Chris. A good time!

Here we are at dinner:
 That is Heather's mom, Terry, on the right.
 Ian prepares the dessert
 Opening presents!
The new year is just over the horizon. 2018 has had its challenges, but as former Secretary of State James Baker says, "I'm still pulling the sheet off my own face every morning!"

As some of you know, I have been working on a book for a while now. This past year with my eye problems, I had to put it aside. When we move over to Stuart on the east coast in January, some serious writing time is on my agenda. That means the blogging will stop. My posts are getting pretty mundane anyway, so it will be time for a break.

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