

Friday, December 21, 2018

Good News at the Solstice!

Today has the shortest daylight of the year. Winter has arrived and we are plunging into the depths of the season. The good news is we have bottomed out and the days get longer from here on out! Woo hoo! The weather here in paradise is nasty today. Very windy with gusts in the 30's. Also constant fierce showers all day long with temps in the 60's. A good day to be inside...

giving blood! I did it! For the first time in decades I gave blood!!! In my defense, I have been unable to donate due to the fact that I was taking many nasty drugs in the past! No longer. The only nasty drug  these days is the occasional Manhattan. (Do I dare?). I must thank my friend Mike for inspiring me on the course of action of giving blood as a way of giving back. It was an easy process and went smoothly. Soon they will notify me if I qualify to donate platelets as well. That process is more involved, but I am planning to go ahead with it in the months ahead to help cancer patients if I can.

Since we are having our mail forwarded by a mail service, I have not received any of our Christmas cards yet. We did however get a nice card today from Shannon and Ben! These newlyweds are in their 2nd month of matrimony. I wonder if they have had their first argument yet? Has Ben learned the magic words? Time will tell!

On the health front, I am down 4 lbs. and hoping to do even better, even with the holidays ahead. Still health clubbing almost every day. Today the rock music was blaring and I was very tempted to ask the guy with the man bun if he could turn on some Christmas Carols. NO road work on the mighty Schwinn today as the weather is brutal. I did soap up the windshield this morning on the bus and it worked splendidly as the rain has rinsed it clean.

Nothing else to report except improving weather between now and Christmas! Overall a pretty mundane post today.

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