

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Short List

     My wife is forever planning and making lists.  She is always encouraging me to do the same.  I admire her ability to organize and get things done.  Occasionally, I follow her advice and make one. I am most likely to do this when I go shopping, and yesterday that is exactly what I did.  I headed out feeling good, knowing I had everything I needed to get and do written down and safely tucked in my breast pocket. All I had to do was remember to look at it.
     This assumes that I haven't forgotten to bring the list with me in the first place, which often happens.  Most times I simply forget I made a list until I am back home.  Then I check it only to find that invariably I have forgotten something.
     Or this scenario:  "Hmmmm....what's this slip of paper in my pocket?  Oh yeah, it's the list I made for the store yesterday. Forgot all about it!
     Occasionally all the planets do line up, and I actually refer to the list as I go along. This happened yesterday.  Do laundry, check!  Ace Hardware for grease, check! Supermarket for supplies, check! Dollar General for greeting cards, check!  Go to post office, check!
     "To list or not to list...that is the question!"  As a boater I prefer not to list.  Cause if I do it means we have run aground and are leaning over (Ha ha!). This has happened to us on a number of occasions.  (I call them "bottom moorings")
     The other list I dread is the "honeydo" list.  This abomination is sure to instill an instant case of depression.  The reason:  They never get done!  Same with boating chores lists.  Why? Because there is alway something being added on faster than I can finish and take it off. I feel like a rat on a treadmill.
     For example:  Wash boat was on the boater's list the other day.  Thought I had it checked off. Then I woke up to this morning to the picture below. It seems they are burning a sugar cane field nearby and we are downwind. See what I mean?
     Finally, there is the problem of how much I can get done.  In the old days, I could conquer a list a mile long in a few hours if I had to.  These days it must be short...very,very, short.
Blog entry for today, check!

1 comment:

  1. Skipper - Safe sailing. Let's go 'Cuse. All well here. Guy
