

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Flight 2017

Well, a big day is coming, as Joanna will be flying in to West Palm in the not too distant future!  Her dad will be moving to assisted living this week and so she will be free to join her man on the boat after getting him settled!  This has been 3 long months in the making as we did Thanksgiving, Christmas and our 45th anniversary apart.   But I am proud of her for hanging in there and seeing it through for her Dad.  Guess I need to get everything in tip-top shape by arrival day.  Lots to do cause "guy clean" doesn't cut it!!
Meanwhile, a cold blast of air has chilled the deep south to the bone.  41 here this am when I awoke. Sun is out though, and 60's later means I can do some boat washing!
There is a sponge and a brush in my future.

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