

Friday, January 31, 2014

It's an old boat!

And because it is old it needs lots of TLC.  I am exhausted after 2 days of flat out boat work.  Yesterday was bilge pump day.  Both had to be reworked which meant hours of practically standing on my head.

Today was replace the batteries day.  4 new golf cart batteries to power the lights, fridge, and other stuff when we are at anchor.  First I have to remove the old batteries, about 60 lbs. each, and drag them up to the parking lot.  New batteries are delivered and ragged back to the boat.  Thank goodness for Eric from Treasure Coast Batteries who helped me get the new ones on board.

So, you are probably wondering, did he go to the "Y" today?  The fact is that I did.  Went in, took a long hot shower, dressed and came home. :-)

Tomorrow I have a breakfast date with a friend.  You know how I love a good breffis!

It is 7:45 and I am ready for bed...

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