

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

You had better be handy!

     One thing we learned from owning boats for 27 years was that there are always projects to do: Maintenance, upgrades, replacements, etc. The idea though is to try to do them yourself. If you can't, you are looking at $125.00 per hour for the nice repairman to do it for you.  Years ago I hired out the installation of a bilge pump on my boat to a local mechanic.  I must say he did a fine job.  The trouble was the size of the bill he handed me when he was done.  That day the letters B-o-a-t stood for "break out another thousand". I learned my lesson well!
     With that idea in mind, we ordered a nice new color back-up camera and monitor to replace our old fuzzy black and white monitor here on Bungalette. It arrived yesterday so we spent today here in paradise ripping out the old dash monitor and installing the nice fresh new one.  it took all day which is pretty much standard procedure on these projects.  But lo and behold, by sundown we were watching things pass by our site through a new monitor!!! ;-). it works!! 
     Part 2 will be installing the new color camera on the back of the coach. That will have to wait until I get a ladder to work with. it will be a project as old camera screws are cheap and rusted. 
     On the social end of things, had lunch with fellow Falcon Ken Deecken yesterday.  It was fun! Stormy morning but beautiful afternoon and the rest of the week looks great! Here is the new monitor:

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