

Monday, February 22, 2016

From Lake Worth to Stuart and a new Biz Nonna!

     We made a move yesterday and now we are in Stuart.  Lake Worth was fun and John Prince Park was nice, but we really like Stuart the best on the east coast. Stayed here for a month 2 years ago on the boat and now we are back. We are in Phipps Park which is very spacious and right on the Okeechobee Waterway.  I can fish from my campsite if I want.

     On the headlines front, we just learned that Mary is pregnant and gonna have a little girl. Ouch!  It was a big surprise and obviously we were not expecting it...can I say expecting? Anyway, we are going with it and expect she will be a single mom as the dad is a deadbeat.  It won't be easy!

     It may change our travel plans as she is due at the end of March. This will make me a great grandpa a lot sooner than planned, and will make Joanna a Biz Nonna!!  Sam will become Uncle Sam!!!! Here are some pictures:
Scamper lounging like a queen!
 Joanna and I at John Prince Park
 Lots of Banyon trees
 Our new site at Phipps Park! Nice! Okeechobee is over the bank behind the Bungalette!

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