

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My rag doll body!

     I've been going to the gym quite a bit of late.  The main reason being that I feel much better when I exercise. So lately there is a local YMCA that I go to each day to work out.  I vary my routine and it usually lasts about an hour...until yesterday.  It seems this Y has a gym, and there are basketballs lying around for youngsters like me to play with. So now I have added a little roundball workout to my program.

     Today I found myself actually looking forward to grabbing a basketball. But alas, any skills I once had have long since made an exit. To prove this point, today I decided to play a quick game of "Around the World". This involves shooting from different points around the basketball key.  Years ago it would have taken me all of about 5 minutes.  I didn't actually time it, but it felt more like a half an hour today!  At one point I began to feel like the 7 year old kid I was long ago shooting in the neighbor's driveway.  Pretty much just heaving it up there and desperately hoping the shot might go in. Ahh, the good old circle of life!

    Well, I finally finished! And I will be back again tomorrow.  Who knows? Maybe soon, with a little practice,  I will be ready to take on a 4th grader!  In the meantime, I feel my rag doll body getting stronger each day!
PS:  I still have my "Buster Crabbe Corporation" up front!

Monday, February 22, 2016

From Lake Worth to Stuart and a new Biz Nonna!

     We made a move yesterday and now we are in Stuart.  Lake Worth was fun and John Prince Park was nice, but we really like Stuart the best on the east coast. Stayed here for a month 2 years ago on the boat and now we are back. We are in Phipps Park which is very spacious and right on the Okeechobee Waterway.  I can fish from my campsite if I want.

     On the headlines front, we just learned that Mary is pregnant and gonna have a little girl. Ouch!  It was a big surprise and obviously we were not expecting it...can I say expecting? Anyway, we are going with it and expect she will be a single mom as the dad is a deadbeat.  It won't be easy!

     It may change our travel plans as she is due at the end of March. This will make me a great grandpa a lot sooner than planned, and will make Joanna a Biz Nonna!!  Sam will become Uncle Sam!!!! Here are some pictures:
Scamper lounging like a queen!
 Joanna and I at John Prince Park
 Lots of Banyon trees
 Our new site at Phipps Park! Nice! Okeechobee is over the bank behind the Bungalette!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

You had better be handy!

     One thing we learned from owning boats for 27 years was that there are always projects to do: Maintenance, upgrades, replacements, etc. The idea though is to try to do them yourself. If you can't, you are looking at $125.00 per hour for the nice repairman to do it for you.  Years ago I hired out the installation of a bilge pump on my boat to a local mechanic.  I must say he did a fine job.  The trouble was the size of the bill he handed me when he was done.  That day the letters B-o-a-t stood for "break out another thousand". I learned my lesson well!
     With that idea in mind, we ordered a nice new color back-up camera and monitor to replace our old fuzzy black and white monitor here on Bungalette. It arrived yesterday so we spent today here in paradise ripping out the old dash monitor and installing the nice fresh new one.  it took all day which is pretty much standard procedure on these projects.  But lo and behold, by sundown we were watching things pass by our site through a new monitor!!! ;-). it works!! 
     Part 2 will be installing the new color camera on the back of the coach. That will have to wait until I get a ladder to work with. it will be a project as old camera screws are cheap and rusted. 
     On the social end of things, had lunch with fellow Falcon Ken Deecken yesterday.  It was fun! Stormy morning but beautiful afternoon and the rest of the week looks great! Here is the new monitor:

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Busy Spell!

     Joanna and I have been busy the past few days, mainly socializing with old friends. Geri Kelly from high school 2 days ago, and Harvey Hochberg yesterday. Two fun afternoons with gorgeous weather both days.  Today it was the Palm Beach RV show to see how our motorhome stacks up against the big boys. We passed that test easily as the new motorhomes are loaded with technology but cheaply made.  A deadly combo if you ask me! I'll take my 2005 model any day.  Some of the "coaches" we saw today go for almost a half million!!! Are you kidding me?
  Joanna and Geri on the beach:  
 Afternoon witn the H man!
 Something at the RV show we can afford.  #1 son take note: Can be towed by a motorcycle!!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Lake Worth

We have at last arrived on the east coast of Florida where we plan to spend the next 2 months. We are currently at John Prince Park where we arrived yesterday afternoon. Since we were late getting into the RV game, we didn't exactly get the pick of the crop for campsites.  A little small, but we managed to squeeze in and we have a very nice view!

Watched the Super Bowl last night and was pleased to see the sheriff's team win with suffocating defense!

Still settling in on our site and we just took our first walk around this morning. This is a nice park and there are some really pretty sites. Unfortunately, they are all taken as most parks we have been to so far in Florida are full. Hey, they say Florida's population grows by a million in the winter.  They gotta stay somewhere! There seems to be an awful lot of Canadians here as we heard a lot of French being spoken. In our experience, wherever there is a bargain place to stay in Florida, the Canadians are all over it.

We are new at the game but learning fast.  From what we have seen so far of John Prince Park, it will be on our return list. Here is the sunrise from my front window:

 2nd photo is of Lake Osborne which we are overlooking.
 The third photo is us sandwiched into our site
Cool weather has drifted down from the north but 60's and sun are just right for us!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

I Love Owls

Spent the afternoon on Thursday with the Pierces, Andy and Elaine.  We went to lunch and then Elaine took us to see the owl's nest near their condo.  What a treat!! Just love owls!  Who cooks for you? By the way, Elaine is heading for the Holy Land soon!  Pretty cool! If you look closely at the crotch of the tree, you will see mommy's head peering at us.

Watching the Super Bowl and hoping the old guy can get the win!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

American Crocs

The only place in the states you can see alligators AND crocs is Flamingo.  Here are a few to discourage swimming. I met Bob and Kathy, two retired teachers from Poughkeepsie.  Always nice to see retired educators doing well!

Beejay getting better!

Beejay was down for a few days but is all better now!!!:-)

Getting caught up

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks. Plenty of wildlife!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016

Flamingo #4 - The Bungalette!

     We have been busy the past few days!  Spent the day on Florida Bay Monday doing some fishing.  nothing for the table but it was fun! many shore birds on the mud flats to observe as they socialize and hunt for food.  I never tire of watching the Pelicans crash dive on their pray! 
Yesterday we attended a wildlife lecture lecture and took a long walk. I also took a bike ride. Each evening after dinner we run the generator and usually watch a show on the DVD. if I tell you some of the stuff we have watched, you promise not to laugh?  (I think you are laughing now!)
Fred Astaire in "Royal Wedding", Jimmy Stewart in "Pot o Gold", an "The Long, Long, Trailer" with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. Mary got us the Lucy-Desi movie for Christmas.  Thanks to her we now have a new name for the motorhome: Bungalette!!!! :-)

     Today we had to pack up Beejay and haul her all the way in to Homestead to see a vet as she is not feeling well. If you are down this way and need pet care, I highly recommend he Homestead Animal Hospital on N. Flagler Ave. Dr Art Greene was terrific and they were very reasonably priced.  "The Beej" is now on antibiotics. While we were there, we picked up some supplies and sent some emails. Now we are safely back at the Bungalette to enjoy the next few days of solitude!!! I apologize for the lack of photos but will try to make up next week!