

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bull Creek

We passed through Savannah today but did not stop as we are anxious to get to Charleston and we have seen Savannah.  We like Charleston better. In fact, it is our favorite east coast city. (Although New Bern is pretty good, too.)
We went through an area known as Fields Cut today.  Just as we approached it a big barge tug got in front of us. Normally that would be a downer, chugging along behind a slow barge and tug. But did I tell you it was Field's Cut? 
I was quite content to follow him with low tide approaching and a notoriously shallow stretch of the ditch. Right away I figure this guy has local knowledge and all I need to do is follow him safely through...NOT!
The cut is about 3 miles long. Most of the way my depth sounder was reading 5 ft. Did I tell you we draw 4.5? Gulp!
We got about 3/4 of the way through when the barge suddenly stopped. Uh-oh! Now what do I do? Then he starts to try and back up. So I call him on the radio and he does not answer. Great! I am forced to move left...Great, now I am stuck. But wait! I am suddenly unstuck! Now if I can just get by that floating crab pot without getting my prop fouled....Yes!  When last I saw the tug and barge he was still stuck. Several more hours waiting for tide to go up.
Hohum...just another days work! 
This is the 3rd time we have anchored here in Bull Creek. Very nice and well protected.

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