

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What we really need...

Yesterday while motoring up the Okeechobee Joanna took some pictures of a few interesting homes. I was surprised to see ANY homes at all, since all I expected was swampland and alligators.

But homes there were, and I liked the setting of many.  I do wonder if gators on the lawn and hordes of bugs in summer might be a problem.

Anyway, we have seen a thousand miles of waterway since we left and that means tens of thousands of homes.  For the most part it takes money to live on the waterfront in America.  We saw stomach turning examples of flagrant capitalism along the way.  Huge  homes with yachts almost as large tied up in the back yard.   It is such a waste as no one could ever properly use/enjoy so much "stuff".  It shouts of "here I am, I am successful and I have money".  Sadly much of America measures success in terms of material items.

We also have seen examples of the difficult economic times, as so many of these same homes became anchor chains around the necks of their owners in a sour economy.  We saw for sale signs all along the way, with many homes foreclosed and vacant.

And we also saw pockets of middle class America still thriving amongst the big boys.  Trailer parks, camp grounds, and homes that look like the right size to live in.  We love that part. Whereas the big estate homes always seem to look empty and unused, the little parks always seem jammed and busy with activity by people looking to get away and enjoy "the good life".

So?  I guess the lesson for us is clear.  We age and hopefully gain wisdom, and part of that wisdom is that "stuff" just weighs you down. We also clearly see how very little we need in this life besides family, friends, and the good Lord to guide us.  In times like these we are better served by rejecting the idea of "more stuff" and reaching out to others

1 comment:

  1. Steve & Joanna,
    Just caught up on your blog. We've been busy as well. Two weekends ago we caught up with two brothers & a cousin (with our wives!)in Hilton Head then Charleston. Sani & I spent the last week in NC now in MD...TOGETHER!

    So, the real heeling test is now almost in sight :>)I'll be watching closer now!
