

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When an old person dies...

This is Teddy. Teddy very much likes to eat. When he is hungry, he will pester and pester in hopes of getting something, but it never works as we make him wait. He was 22 lbs. at one point but we put him on a diet (which he hates! Too bad Puss!) He was 19.2 lbs. at his last vet visit and surely less than that now. Getting healthy!

In the above picture he has just eaten. That is when he crashes for a nice long nap, like a lion on the Serengeti after a good kill. He loves to sleep with his head propped up. I think this is left from his barn days when he needed to be alert for predators. 

I've been getting to know more and more people in the community here at Swan Lake, and I am impressed with the intelligence, wisdom, compassion, and love that these people show. It may be a community of old folks, but they know how to make things run smoothly and they know how to have fun. I'd like to transport all of them to Washington, DC to replace our rotten Congress. They could fix this country in no time!! Oh and don't forget the fact that these people can really cook great food!

Let me close with this worthy saying I read from Alex Haley: 
"When an old person dies, it is the same as if a library has just burned down." 
I find this to be true. Every person has a story to tell and a wealth of life experience to share. 

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