

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

It has a key!!!

Chapter 8 -

We spent November 24th heading for Sumter Oakes in Bushnell. It felt good to cross the border into Florida as we headed toward I-10 and then 301. This road takes you through the infamous towns of Starke, Lawtey, and Waldo. Their speed traps have caught many unaware drivers over the years, including me! I once got stopped for doing 25 mph in a 20. Imagine that! Long story but I did not get a ticket! My advice is to never break the speed limit on 301 south to Ocala.

We had another low battery car lock up today on the Ford. I was cussing myself for not leaving a window open when Joanna appeared with wonderful news. Hidden in my key fob is a secret key that allows you to unlock a hidden door lock on the driver's side. Who knew? Those people at Ford are brilliant!!!! Locked door problem solved and I feel a little idiotic.

I put a battery charger on the car to see if a low battery might be the problem. It is now fully charged. If problem recurs it might simply mean we need a new starting battery. Time will tell.

Anyway who cares? We are in Florida, it is warm, and we are on Easy St.!
Sumter Oakes is a quiet place with many trees and bordered by cypress swamps nearby.

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