

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

March 5th

Been doing some figuring regarding our shove-off date to head north.  We need to squeeze under the Palm City Bridge in Stuart, which is 54 ft. We need 54 & 1/2 so we have to go at low tide to get under. March 5th looks like our best date, as low tide will be in the morning. Hopefully the weatherman will cooperate so we can get off to a good start. 

Not much else to report from here as we are simply having fun and enjoying our time with family here in paradise.  The weather has been absolutely perfect!!!! Ordered some things by mail, including a new solar dcharge controller for my solar panels on the boat.  My cheap Chinese controller lasted about a year!!!Back to an American one!

Today we did some tree work in Rich's yard so it hasn't been all play.  Trying to ride bike 5 miles each day.  We have eaten out a few times and been to the movies to see Monuments Men. 
 I have been following the amazing Orangemen who play Boston College tonight. 

Finally, this is my destination later this evening:

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