

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Keep in Touch!

One nice thing about the internet is that it allows you to easily stay in touch. And through the miracle of Facebook, I have been able to reconnect with so many people from my past.  It has been a very rewarding experience to hear from former students and friends I grew up with.  The ability to connect with others has been grounding and very satisfying, at least for me. But not everyone is on a social network. And so much of our contact with others on the web is fleeting and incidental.  Even more important is something my friend Harv recently said:  "The more time I spend with technology, the less time I spend talking to people and looking them in the eye, which I enjoy far more." 
 And so I am looking forward to tomorrow when my brother and I will get together with an old friend from my Long Island bartender days. Bruce is 81 years old now and lives near here in Bonita Springs.  He is a great guy and lots of fun to be around, but I doubt if you will find him surfing the net or on Facebook.  Tomorrow we will be getting together for lunch at The British Open Pub, and I am sure we will have some laughs and share some memories of times long ago. 
        I share this with you with encouragement to remember those people in your            life not on the net who you may not be in regular touch with, but deserve to hear from you.  When was the least time you looked them in the eye?

Ironic PS: I couldn't find Bruce's number yesterday to call him, but since I am friends with his daughter on Facebook, it was an easy find!

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